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Camp Peskera Banjole

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Autocamp Peškara is situated only a few hundred meters from the Camping Indije. Also this camp is nicely covered by pine trees.

In the nearest area there are several restaurants. The younger people can enjoy music and dance in one of the many surrounding terraces and discotheques.

The main characteristic of this camp, is nature and family atmosphere.


The Camp has direct access to the sea/beach, on the camp you find lavatory, showers and sink with hot water.


No information about the lot sizes available.

Other camps in the Area: Click the map to see all camps in Istria

Distance to larger cities in the Area

Distance Banjole centre – 1.6 Km 3 minutes drive
Distance Medulin 9 km app 11 minutes drive
Distance Pula 8.7 km app 14 minutes drive

Contact details of Camp:

Address: Indije 73, Banjole, HR-52100 Pula, Hrvatska
TEL/FAX: ++385 52 573 209
GPS: N 44 49.424 E 13 51.173

Pictures from Camp Peskera:

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