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Camp Pomer (Pula)

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Camping-PomerCamping Pomer is a small camp situated at the peak of small peninsula, the camp offer beautiful nature surrounding and pitches covered with Pine trees.


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The Camp Pomer offers two types of Lots (A and C), with access to electricity. On the camp there is a sanitary building, the camp has a maximum capacity of app 600 people.

Lot A: electricity supply
Lot C: electricity supply

Distance to larger cities in the Area

Distance Pomer centre 0.8 km 1 minute drive
Distance Medulin 5.9 km app 7 minutes drive
Distance Pula 8.5 km app 13 minutes drive

Other camps in the Area: Click the map to see all camps in Istria

Contact details of Camp:

Address: 52100 Pula, Croatia
Phone : +385 52 573128
Fax : +385 52 573 062
Mob: + 385 98 535 845
GPS: N 44 49.126 E 13 54.091

Pictures from Camp Pomer:

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